El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue el desarrollo de una metodología de propagación masiva para Vanilla planifolia, así como la inducción de estructuras vegetales que por sus características permitan el desarrollo e implementación de técnicas biotecnológicas modernas para el mejoramiento genético no tradicional de esta especie tropical de gran valor económico y cultural. Como resultado directo de esta investigación se desarrolló una metodología de micropropagación eficiente y rápida de vainilla a partir de ápices radicales. Por otra parte, se lograron establecer las condiciones y protocolos para la formación de una estructura indiferenciada y totipotente a la cual hemos dado el nombre de callo protocómico, debido a que tiende a formar en última instancia brotes y estructuras similares a los PLBs (protocorm-like badies) característicos en diferentes especies de orquídeas. Los callos protocórmicos se formaron a su vez a partir de una estructura indiferenciada y transitoria generada a partir de los ápices radicales cultivados en ausencia de luz, en un medio líquido MS suplementado con 30 g/L de sacarosa, 1 mg/L de BAP y 1 g/L de caseína hidrolizada. Esta estructura a la cual se le dio el nombre de precallo, presentó una gran diversidad morfológica en los diferentes tratamientos experimentales utilizados, razón por la cual se estableció una clasificación para su identificación. El mayor porcentaje de callos protocórmicos se formó en el medio de cultivo base MS sólido suplementado con 0.5 mg/L de 2,4-D en oscuridad, con un 72%.
Abstract: The main research objective was the development of an efficient and rapid mass propagation methodology for Vanilla planifolia Jacks. ex Andrews (Orchidaceae), as well as to generate plant structures based on their characteristics of totipotency, undifferentiation and regeneration capacities, which would allow the development and implementation of modern biotechnological techniques for non-traditional genetic improvement of this tropical species, which has an enormous cultural and economic value. As a result of this research, the conditions and protocols for the formation of an undifferentiated and totipotent structure were established, which was named protocormic callus, because it tends to form shoots and similar structures in appearence to those PLBs (protocorm-like bodies) characteristic of different species of orchids, under regeneration conditions. The protocormic callus were formed from a transitory and undifferentiated structure generated by root tips cultivated without the presence of light, in a liquid MS medium supplemented with 30 g/L of sucrose, 1 mg/L BAP and 1 g/L of hydrolyzed casein. This structure was named pre-callus and presented a great morphological diversity when different experimental treatments were used, for this reason a morphotypic classification was established. Most of the protocormic callus formed in a solid MS basal medium with 0.5 mg/L of 2,4-D in the dark, with 72% (p<0.05). Two vanilla mass micropropagation methodologies, through indirect organogenesis (by pre-callus and protocormic callus induction), were established for the rapid and big scale reproduction of this species from a unique explant, which produced a high number of plants and decreased the time for their obtention. High propagation from pre-callus allows continuous autopropagation sustained in an exponential way through several consecutive cycles of multiplying, due to the ability that these structures present to form a big amount of shoots, which also develop roots, which form pre-callus again, in the same culture cycle, in liquid medium.
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