Solanum marginatum belong to the family of Solanaceae, is widely used in traditional Mexican medicine. However, their properties have not been evaluated; so that in this study we tested some biological activities of a protein fraction of S. marginatum. For this, proteins were extracted from S. marginatum leaves, a protein fraction isolated by FPLC, protein content quantified by BCA method, an enzyme activity assay performed by Kunitz method, protein sub-fractions were identified by SDS-PAGE. The ability to capture radicals was determined by the DPPH and ABTS methods. The toxic effect was assessed with the A. salina assay while cell viability in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) was tested by MTT method. Isolation of PF-FPLC was carried out at Rt = 2.13 min, further, separated and identified seven subfractions with molecular weights ranging from 18-112 kDa, while the optimal conditions of enzymatic activity were 37 ° C, pH 7 and 120 min. The ABTS and DPPH methods showed a radical capture percentage of 20 and 62 % respectively.PF-FPLC proteins had no toxic effect in A. salina, however, displayed a low antimicrobial effect (inhibition ≤ 35%) as well as an effect on the cellular viability of PBMC.
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